Project: Unity API C#
Unity API C# (Application Programming Interface) provides the learner with the training required to fully understand how to navigate Unity’s API and how to implement it’s many features. The API is the core of developing projects and games with Unity, which means the better you understand it, the easier game development will be.
Let’s Get Started!
Objectives: Complete the videos to have an understanding of API usage and Unity code feature sets.
Time Estimate: 3 hours to complete.
Part 1: API Setup
Part 2: Navigating the API
Part 3: Accessing the GameObject
Part 4: Dot Notation and the API
Part 5: Translating the Box
Part 6: Recap on deltaTime
Part 7: Assign Color to Box
Part 8: Access GameObject from Inspector
Part 9: Instantiate
Part 10: Coroutine and Yield
Part 11: Wrap up